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(8601) 557 Acres* (225.35 Hectares*) Dairy / Mixed / Beef Operation

Listing No. 8601 Share Icon
Listing Details
Listing date 16/09/2024
Unit 1.00 Unit
Unit price $0
Category Farms, Dairy Farms
Location Beaconsfield, VIC

Listing Details

557 Acres* (225.35 Hectares*) A versatile and productive rural property located in an extremely reliable rainfall region, central to Timboon, Cobden and Warrnambool. Featuring: A north facing 3 bedroom brick veneer home surrounded by a park like garden. Outstanding farm infrastructure including a disused 40 unit rotary dairy, 5 bay hay shed, 60' x 30' machinery shed and workshop, 60' x 25' implement shed and new 350* head cattle yards with crush and loading ramp. Subdivided into 13* main paddocks, central laneway, established shelter and a very reliable water supply from numerous dams and bore water to troughs throughout. Gently undulating topography suitable for various livestock enterprises and fodder conservation / summer cropping. Inspections strictly by appointment
Don't Miss out inspection recomended
Robbie Mckenzie - 0413 700 988 / 0419 182 804
E: Robbiem@realmgroup.com.au
( Finance Available www.payintime.com.au )

Don't miss out Inspection recommended
Contact Robbie Mckenzie - 0413700988 / 0419182804
Office: 413700988
Email: robbiem@realmgroup.com.au
Web: www.realmgroup.com.au
( Finance Available www.payintime.com.au )

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