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(7015) Small Cattle Property Wanted - Rockhampton Qld Area

Listing No. 7015 Share Icon

Listing Details

Cattle Property Wanted - Rockhampton Qld Area.
Wants to run 50-100 head of feeder weight cattle , with in about 100 kms of Rockhampton.
Would be interested in purchasing / Leasing or long term agistment.
Property must have as a minimum , reliable water supply and good fencing.
Contact Robbie McKenzie 0413 700 988 E: robbiem@realmgroup.com.au

Don't miss out Inspection recommended
Contact Robbie Mckenzie - 0413700988 / 0419182804
Office: 413700988
Email: robbiem@realmgroup.com.au
Web: www.realmgroup.com.au
( Finance Available www.payintime.com.au )

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